What is a Tool?


A tool refers to a device or software used to carry out a particular function. (e.g physical or digital whiteboard)

A tool in facilitation acts as the fundamental device employed to steer meetings or workshops effectively. They range from digital platforms designed to enhance collaboration across teams to basic physical items that aid in organizing ideas and gathering feedback. Tools are chosen based on what is necessary for a specific meeting's goals – whether to maximize participation, foster creativity, or structure discussions.

The adaptation of tools varies depending on the environment (i.e., virtual or physical) and the facilitator's approach. In virtual settings, tools are selected for their ability to simulate the dynamic interactions of face-to-face engagements or to manage tasks seamlessly across a digital space. In physical settings, facilitators may lean towards tangible materials that participants can interact with directly. This instrumental use of tools ensures that every participant can contribute effectively and that the facilitator can guide the meeting towards its intended outcome.

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What are the most popular online facilitation tools?


The most popular online facilitation tools include online whiteboards like Miro and Mural, which provide a dynamic canvas for collaboration. Video conferencing tools such as Zoom and MS Teams enable real-time communication, while Butter and SessionLabs streamline the planning and execution of workshops, enhancing overall facilitation.

What are the most popular in-person facilitation tools?


For in-person meetings, the most widely used tools encompass items like sticky notes and dot voting to gather and prioritize ideas visibly. Facilitators also use sharpies for clarity in writing, whiteboards or even entire walls to create large visual canvases that everyone can contribute to.