The Annual Reflection template helps you reflect on your past year and evaluate your life in eight different areas. By ranking each area on a scale of 1-5, the template creates a representation of your life balance in a visual life balance wheel.
Step 1:
Begin by thinking about the past year and considering the eight different life areas listed on the template:
- Health & Fitness
- Mind & Wellbeing
- Friends & Family
- Love & Relationships
- Money & Finances
- Work & Career
- Growth & Learning
- Fun & Recreation.
For each area, take some time to reflect on the highlights and challenges of the past year.
Step 2
Rank each area on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest satisfaction and 5 being the highest satisfaction. Once all of the life areas have been ranked, add the ranking to the Life Balance Wheel. Then connect the dots and you will have a snapshot of your overall over your past year.
Let's say that in the past year, you had great success in your career, but struggled with your health and relationships. You might rank your career as a 5, your health as a 2, and your relationships as a 3. Your Life Balance Wheel would show that you had a higher satisfaction in your career, but lower satisfaction in your health and relationships. Using this visual representation, you can see where you might want to focus your attention and make improvements in the coming year.