What is Framing?


Framing means setting the purpose of a meeting or group activity. Framing relieves participants of the question “Why are we doing this?”.

Framing in the context of meetings and workshops refers to the process of outlining the purpose and objectives of the session, guiding participants towards a common understanding of why the event is taking place and what outcomes are expected. This proactive step ensures that everyone is aligned from the start, reducing confusion and focusing the group's energy towards achieving defined goals.

By establishing a clear frame for the meeting, you help participants invest their attention and efforts in a directed manner. It creates a roadmap for the agenda and helps in managing time effectively. Effective framing can transform a routine meeting into a dynamic session where every participant feels engaged and motivated to contribute towards the shared objectives.

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Why is it important to frame a meeting?


Framing a meeting is crucial because it sets the stage for effective collaboration and ensures everyone is clear about the purpose of coming together. This clarity helps in minimizing misunderstandings and maximizes productivity by keeping the discussion focused on the desired outcomes. It also enhances participant engagement by providing a clear understanding of the agenda and the importance of their contributions.

What's an example of using framing?


Imagine you're leading a project kickoff meeting. By framing the meeting, you'd start by explicitly stating the project goals, the role of each attendee, expected outcomes, and how the meeting will proceed. This might involve outlining the agenda at the beginning and explaining how each segment will help reach the project's objectives. Such framing helps in building a cooperative atmosphere, encouraging productive exchanges, and keeping the session on track.