What are the Five Whys?

Five Whys

Five Whys is a facilitation method used to drill down and understand the root cause of a problem by asking "Why?" five times.

The Five Whys is a simple yet powerful tool for diving into the underlying causes of any problem. By engaging in a series of questioning, where each question probes deeper into the reason behind an issue, you can peel away the layers of symptoms and reach the root cause.

This method not only promotes a deeper understanding but also guides teams in workshops or meetings to prevent superficial solutions and ensures that solutions address the actual problem. Using this technique, group discussions can remain focused and avoid wandering off into irrelevant areas.

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Five Whys

What's the origin of the five whys method?


The Five Whys technique was originally developed within Toyota's manufacturing process. It was used to enhance their production quality by tracing problems back to their root causes, mimicking the mind's natural inquisitive process of asking 'Why?' to each layer of an issue.

Why should you use the five whys method?


Employing the Five Whys method in your meetings helps ensure that your solutions are addressing the core issues rather than just the symptoms. It promotes a thorough analysis and encourages a deeper understanding among team members.

When should you use the five whys method?


The Five Whys is ideally used during problem-solving sessions or retrospectives where understanding the cause of an issue is crucial. It's particularly effective when issues are complex, recurrent, and have a significant impact if not correctly resolved.

How do you use the five whys method?


Start by stating the problem clearly. Then, ask 'Why?' to the initial response and continue asking 'Why?' to each subsequent answer, typically up to five times, until the root cause is revealed. It's vital to ensure each answer is based on factual reasons rather than speculative.