What is Dot Voting?

Dot Voting

Dot Voting is a method where a group makes a decision or expresses an opinion through collective decision-making using colored dots.

Dot Voting, also referred to as Dotmocracy or Multi-Voting, is a collaboration **technique **used primarily in meetings and workshops to prioritize ideas or make decisions collectively. In this simple yet effective method, participants are given a limited number of dots or stickers which they can allocate to different options displayed, usually on a whiteboard or poster.

The power of Dot Voting lies in its visual and democratic approach. Each participant can see how others in the group are voting, which can help to quickly gauge collective priorities or feelings towards specific ideas. This not only speeds up the decision-making process but also ensures that every member of the group has a direct impact on the outcome, making it a popular choice in settings that require group consensus.

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Dot Voting

What are the benefits of dot voting?


Dot Voting excels in visually summarizing the preferences within a group. It's particularly effective in avoiding the HiPPO (Highest Paid Person's Opinion) effect, by democratizing voice among all participants, whether leadership or employees. It encourages participation, can help surface previously hidden ideas, and quickly highlights the group's collective priorities.

What are typical challenges in dot voting?


Challenges in Dot Voting include issues like groupthink, where individuals influence each other's voting, which can skew results away from genuine group preferences. Other problems include ensuring votes are allocated equally, handling duplicate entries, and establishing clear parameters for what is being decided.

What's the process for dot voting?


The Dot Voting process involves initially gathering and displaying all ideas or decisions to be voted on. Participants are then given a fixed number of dots and can allocate them in any manner they choose among the options. The ideas with the most dots at the end of the voting period are considered the group's top priorities or choices.

When should you use dot voting?


Use Dot Voting when you need a quick, clear consensus on topics with multiple options available. It's ideal for settings like brainstorming sessions in workshops or during strategic planning meetings where various issues or ideas need prioritization.

What dot voting variants are out there?


Several variants of Dot Voting include anonymous voting, where voters place dots without others seeing where they place them, or weighted Dot Voting, where different colors or sizes of dots represent varying levels of priority or preference.

How can you run dot voting online?


Online Dot Voting can be efficiently conducted using digital tools like Miro or Mural, which feature built-in Dot Voting systems. Participants can access remotely, place their dots on digital boards, and results are tallied automatically and visually displayed.

What other terms are used for dot voting?


Dot Voting is also known commonly as Dotmocracy, Multi-Voting, or Sticker Voting. Each term reflects the essential element of the method: using 'dots' (or any small markers like stickers) as a means to vote or prioritize options.

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