What is a Decider?


A decider is a chosen person with the granted authority to make a final decision.

Being a Decider doesn't just mean you make decisions—it means being the cornerstone of action and results in a meeting context. The Decider is tasked with breaking ties, ensuring progress, and ultimately, carrying the weight of final decisions which can guide the direction of a project or an entire organization.

This role helps streamline deliberations and ensures that meetings don’t stall due to indecisiveness. Often in scenarios where consensus is difficult, the Decider plays a crucial role in moving things forward by exercising their authority to make a crucial call. Their decisions are based on insights from the team, gathered information, and the strategic goals of the organization, making them pivotal in high-stakes environments.

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Why does it make sense to have a dedicated decider?


Having a dedicated decider in meetings and workshops is essential for effective decision-making. This role ensures that there is a clear responsibility for decisions, preventing endless deliberation and streamlining the process. Speed in decision-making can often be critical, especially in time-sensitive situations or when dealing with complex issues that require timely actions to maximize opportunities and minimize risks.

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