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Behind the Design of the Masterclass

Learning a new topic can often feel overwhelming. We find ourselves navigating a maze of scattered information online, piecing together knowledge from various sources.

Professional learning is no different, especially when it comes to people-focused skills like leadership, coaching, and facilitation. These skills come with an added complexity: they require not only theoretical knowledge but also real-world practice and meaningful feedback—both of which can be hard to come by in day-to-day work settings.

What makes facilitation especially challenging is its focus on guiding a group’s process without directly controlling it, which requires a nuanced set of abilities. It involves behavioral design, clear communication, and the art of managing group dynamics.

At the early beginning of Facilitator School we saw that facilitation would have profound impacts on organizational culture yet couldn't find simple and clear access to learning the skill. That's why we created this training programme that offers a clear facilitation overview, delivers the theoretical knowledge, creates safe space for practice and gives time to apply new skills at work.

In this blog, we’ll dive into the detailed reasoning behind our program’s structure—why we chose a cohort-based approach, how video lessons and live sessions work together, and why this combination works for learning facilitation.

A Bit of History: From Meetup to Masterclass

The Facilitator Masterclass started in 2020 with just six participants. What began as an experiment has since evolved into a deeply refined program, having gone through nine iterations. We don’t run many different courses or create new offerings every year. Instead, we focus on improving one course that we believe is the best learning experience for facilitators. And we run it only twice a year.

Every time we run a new cohort, we take the time to introspect, review participant feedback, and make meaningful updates. Whether it’s a better live session setup, enhanced case studies, or more interactive exercises, we’re constantly evolving the course. We've even added a mentorship program and a membership that delivers a facilitation toolkit—perfectly packaged in a handbag for easy access.

This Masterclass actually grew out of a meetup group. The original goal was simple: to create the best learning experience for facilitators. Over time, as the meetups grew in size and demand, we decided to formalize the learning and launch what is now our flagship course. The spirit of experimentation and continuous improvement still drives us today.

Daniel (left) and René (right) at the start of a live session in Cohort 8

Why Six Weeks?

One question we often get is: “Why is the Masterclass six weeks long?” It’s a great question, and the answer boils down to one thing: real-world application. We live in a time where education can feel like drinking from a fire hydrant—information hits you fast and hard, leaving little time to process or apply it.

We looked at everything from quick, self-paced courses to intense two-day bootcamps and found that none quite hit the mark for learning that truly sticks. The problem? These formats often overload you with information and don’t leave enough breathing room to absorb and practice what you’ve learned.

By spreading the course over six weeks, we’ve made space for reflection and experimentation. Each week introduces a key concept that participants can not only study but also practice in real life—whether that’s discussing new ideas over coffee with a colleague, trying out techniques during meetings, or reflecting on their own facilitation style. This paced approach allows learning to settle in naturally, making it more likely to stick and grow.

Originally, the course was four weeks long, but after gathering feedback from participants, we found that six weeks was the sweet spot. It provides enough time to cover the material while still keeping the momentum going. Some participants even tell us it flies by, but that energy and engagement tell us we’ve hit the right balance.

Two reviews on the cohort timeframe

Why Cohort-Based Learning?

This is a cohort-based training, where a group of participants from all around the world progress through the curriculum together. Unlike other facilitation courses, this creates a more supportive learning environment where participants learn not only from the content but also from each other.

A key benefit of the international cohort is the diversity of perspectives it brings. Participants hail from different countries and cultures, which means feedback comes from a wide range of viewpoints. For instance, in Dutch culture, feedback may be very direct and to the point. In contrast, another culture's feedback might focus more on the emotional or relational aspects, while Germans may provide structured and methodical feedback. This diversity helps minimize blind spots and fosters a deeper awareness of how to facilitate across cultural differences. The value here is enormous, as facilitation often requires navigating and harmonizing diverse group dynamics.

Another point worth mentioning: even teams from the same organization often prefer to join the public cohort instead of opting for private group learning. Why? Because being part of a diverse group challenges them to step outside their usual dynamics. They’re not just learning within the bubble of their team but are being exposed to new ideas and ways of thinking, giving them a framework for growth and inspiration outside their virtual cubicles.

Why Video and Live Sessions?

Our Masterclass uses a blend of pre-recorded video lessons and live sessions to get the best of both worlds. Video lessons give you the flexibility to learn at your own pace. Whether you’re a morning person or a night owl, you can absorb the content when it suits you best. On the other hand, the live sessions are where the magic happens—this is where you can ask questions, practice techniques, and see them in action.

The live sessions allow us to dive deep into discussions, offer direct feedback, and help you apply the learning immediately. Plus, they’re a great way to build accountability and keep the energy high throughout the course.

Why Scale the Masterclass?

Lastly, let’s talk about scale. While we love small, intimate learning environments, we also believe that energy and momentum grow with the size of a cohort. Thanks to breakout rooms, mentors and small exercises we can combine intimate learning environments with the global diversity that provides different view points and increases your network at the same time. By carefully balancing the size of our cohorts with a personal experience we found a sweet spot in between the possibilities of that a virtual cohort into different countries offers us while learning in closed rooms or 1:1 environments.

Lastly scale also allows for accessibility, with more seats we can make space for countries with less purchasing power which in turn means the represented culture isn't only first world countries but a broad and strong representation of the different countries and cultures that also exist in the modern workplace. With the global diversity in our live sessions and exercises we nurture a higher self-awareness, increase facilitation competence and expand curiosity.

Final Thoughts

At the heart of our design is a simple principle: learning facilitation should be both practical and inspiring. Six weeks gives you the time to practice in real life, the cohort format fosters rich peer-to-peer learning, and the mix of video and live sessions ensures flexibility without losing the personal touch.

We’re proud of how the Masterclass has evolved, and we think this design offers the right balance of depth, engagement, and real-world application.

Looking forward to seeing you in the next cohort!